homosexuality is usually associated (either as cause or effect — it would be hard to say which) with sadism, [12] and that sadism in turn, when it does not find an outlet in acts of brutal violence, inspires the passion for “equality” and “social justice” that masquerades as “idealism” and is accepted as such by unsuspecting persons who do not see that the only purpose of the “idealists” is to incite the violence and brutality that will give them a vicarious delight


@shortstories It's associated with sadism because child abuse can lead to homosexuality. Besides that, it's neither the cause nor the effect of sadism.

Sex encompasses both sadism and masochism. The submissive female (or a gay bottom) is the recipient of violence and the dominant male is the one who inflicts it. This is especially true in species where sex is more painful, like ducks.
Homosexuality is just a deviation that is detrimental to both the species as a whole and the individual.

@shortstories And the reason why gays are all about "equality" and "social justice", is because they are a minority who wishes to subvert the majority, especially given their number one fantasy is to convert a straight guy plus the fact that a few of them became gay due to being abused in their youth and wish to do the same.
Again, it's not homosexuality itself that makes them sadistic or SJWs, but their desire to subvert the culture, just like zionists and other parasitic groups.


@shortstories is right on the money here. To demonstarte this we need look no further than one of Western Enlightenment's most important cultural thinkers who Liberals have enjoyed as their dirty little secret for centuries - the Marquis de Sade - the person for whom sadism is literally named.

Publicly banned everywhere until recently, his books were always widely available to aristocracies in their private libraries.

@Based_Accelerationist @shortstories

And if you believe they were just for reading then I have several bridges to sell you.

Just pick up any of his books and you'll see that they are not just stuffed full of every kind of depravity you can possibly imagine, his greater aim was to explicate a philosophy and ideology to justify all of it - homosexuality, lesbianism, incest, pedophilia, scat & pee, ritual murder, necrophilia, beastiality.

Gay violence & brutality were central to his vision.


@UncleIroh Those books aren't instructions either. He doesn't need to instruct humanity on something that they've been doing forever. Is Epstein's island a new thing? Are these perverted elites a creation of the 21st century? No, perversion has always lived alongside power and wealth. Trauma is responsible too. Soldiers and mercenaries engage in the most despicable acts you can imagine. That's not homosexuality, it's not the French, perversion is unfortunately part of Life.

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