Has anyone noticed that you only see dicks in mainstream media? I don't think I ever saw a vagina in any movie/show. Game of Thrones? Dicks. South Park? Dicks.
Even in some 90s kids shows you occasionally saw one. Hell, I remember back in the day there were some baby doll TV commercials aimed at girls, where they showed how to hold the doll's penis (albeit a small baby penis) and the doll would "pee".

I mean, am I alone in thinking this shit is weird, gay and kinda disrespectful?


I haven't watched TV in almost a decade so I have no idea if you're right or not.


@basedbagel For the most part I don't either, but I have watched a few shows online.
This isn't exactly a recent thing either, although it has probably gotten worse.

This, coupled with the fact many porn sites are owned by Jews which have said they try to show dicks and trans women/ladyboys as much as possible to desensitize (convert) straight guys, leads me to believe it's on purpose.

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> porn sites are owned by Jews which have said they try to show dicks and trans women/ladyboys as much as possible to desensitize (convert) straight guys

All roads lead to Jews on here lol I need a break from this platform.

@basedbagel I didn't keep the sources sadly, but I read this in more than one place and none of it seemed fake.
The fact is, Jews are behind the global homo movement. I didn't have anything against Jews, I even tried to believe that it was about communism first and Jews were just overrepresented, but no, it's Jews (even passive-aggressive, pro-Israel half-Jews like Halsey) and I'm not going to deny it anymore.


I no longer deny Jewish power either. The people on this server made sure of that lol.

I'm just tired of talking about them.

>even passive-aggressive, pro-Israel half-Jews like Halsey

Damn tell me how you really feel!

@basedbagel I don't think it's productive to say "it's the JOO" all the time either, that wasn't the purpose, I was mainly pointing out that some mainstream porn sites deliberately promote trans/gay content to straight guys for a reason.

And yes, I don't trust Halsey. After watching his older debates I noticed he perpetuated the usual lies about Jews. He also believes himself to be mixed race lol. Then all it took was watching him covertly gloat over Israel and that did it for me.


>I don't think it's productive to say "it's the JOO" all the time either, that wasn't the purpose

Thank you! it's nice to see someone logical.

> He also believes himself to be mixed race lol

Really? I thought he was 100% Jewish?

> covertly gloat over Israel

Was this recent? Because given Israel's track record thats INSANE

@basedbagel He says he's half Jewish (mother's side of course) and half American and therefore "mixed race".

Halsey started shilling for Israel in TFM's podcasts right when the war started. Among other things, he said Israel didn't bomb the hospital, Israel doesn't need the US, they would be better off without them in fact and they can totally defend themselves with no help. Also, you could tell he really had a hard on for Israel, by the way he spoke. He has been there, so no surprise.


> he's half Jewish (mother's side of course) and half American and therefore "mixed race"

I see now why you were laughing. IRRC jews are matrilineal so yeah he's fully jewish AFAIC.

>they would be better off without them in fact and they can totally defend themselves

LOL YEAH RIGHT! They put all this effort into blackmailing/bribing us because they didn't need out help at all?

I'm not a jootard but even I know that's some BS.

That's a shame I liked Halsey

@basedbagel Indeed, but these aren't my words, he called himself mixed race unironically, for that very reason, during one of his debates. So if Halsey ever needs an excuse, he can call himself "white" when it's convenient.

Anyway, those livestreams with Halsey at the beginning of the Gaza war, really closed the deal. I was skeptical of him before, but now I have no doubts that on some level, he enjoys what's happening and is pro-Jewish supremacy. Even TFM was speechless at the time.

@Based_Accelerationist Well nothing like a good conflict to reveal where someone's loyalties truly lie.

Thanks for filling me in.

@basedbagel @Based_Accelerationist

> The people on this server made sure of that lol.

You're welome.


Ah good ole @UncleIroh

Legend has it if you mention the Jews 3 times in a conversation he appears. 😂

@basedbagel @Based_Accelerationist

I'm like the Schlomo Candyman. . Jews just have say my name 5 times in a mirror at midnight and I spam them with memes of their misdeeds.

I'm available for weddings and bar mitzvah's.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist

I wonder do you just hold it in all day and wait until you get online to talk about Jews or are you a madlad and do this in real life?

@basedbagel @Based_Accelerationist

My "noticing" stage is long in the past. It's actually everywhere in plain sight.

For instance I saw an anime last year and there it was in the first 10 minutes: aniwave.to/watch/that-time-i-g

Made me laugh.

@UncleIroh @Based_Accelerationist

Why do I feel like you had this prepared already lol.

Good find though.

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