@Tfmonkey when you say not all jews are bad.

But I think until they are for child mutulation aka circumcision they are bad.

Until they stop mutilating young kids there should be hardly any discussion.

I would not care if they desided to do it as adults but forcing to cut any body part that you are born with is kill worthy.

@Stahesh Let's consider the vaccinated. You have parents over-vaccinating their children which does far more harm than good, especially now with mRNA shots. Many are straight up impairing their kids, or worse.

Are 99% of humans bad and "kill worthy"? That's up to you to decide, just know that it's impossible to fight them all. Many Christians engage in genital mutilation as well.

Personally, I just want distance from those people/ideologies, I know I can't stop humanity from doing crazy things

@Based_Accelerationist compare mutulation to what should be normal vaccine

in this case most people that did not follow it knew pretty shit as me

I thought that most people that were against it were anti-vaxx moms

companies and politicians that exploit taxpayers 💰

I took it thinking about normal vaccines where is virus to introduce it to your body and make Immunity for it

Not knowing that is some kind of bio-weapon
From it my mind was noticeably worse and amplified my problem with carbs


@Stahesh I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get better.

I think most religious Jews believe circumcision is the best thing for their child, both physically and spiritually. We know it's just an abhorrent form of genital mutilation, but that's because we are seeing it from the outside, without being influenced by their group. Humanity is full of insane beliefs, I'm not convinced that Jews are all that special in that regard, just look at those Australian natives and the stuff they do.

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@Based_Accelerationist I get better if I only eat meat,

Sadly after eating carbs for 20+years. It is hard to stop eating carbs and to go cold turkey. But slowly improve.

Another thing that helps is to fast for at least day..

I pretty much do not care about stupid people taht believe religious BS, I more care about children that do not share their stupid obsession and now they are missing foreskin.

Rip lost forskins

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