"A population that's being genocided doesn't increase."

😏 I noticed.


@RoninGrey Halsey doesn't know when to stop, he could've MAYBE tried to refute one or two arguments, but no, EVERYTHING Israel does is A-okay and there's a technicality for every issue.

Orthodox Jews are the same as all religious Jews, they only care about their tribe and nothing else. And their tribe wants to genocide gentiles. Some pretend to be America first but it's all a show.

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@Based_Accelerationist @RoninGrey The issue as an aggregate group is that they don't assimilate, they only allow them to punish each other, if anyone else attempts to step in and do it they run defense for each other no matter who it is. You see this with the aggregate with George Soros actually as a good example. While sure you'll see a small scale of maybe Halsey talking bad about him the systems and power they have run to bat for him even if they hate him because only they can do that.

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