Being here on alt-tech and rubbing elbows with nazis and lolicons gives me a front row seat to how absolutely fake and gay the so-called "far right" is.

After all your JQ shit, watching you glow in the dark and voice your support for Israel, now of all times, makes me see clearly how controlled the opposition is.

I long suspected that you lot were LARPing when you obsessed about Jews instead of taking women's right away.

Now all reasonable doubt has been removed from my mind.


@Tfmonkey It's the same in every western country, the "far right" is Jewish. That's how tight their control is.
The Christian angle of JQ is, to a great extent, controlled op.
That being said, you also have MGTOW channels on the side of Israel, so yeah...
All groups have been infiltrated to some level, JQ included.
But given all that you have seen, can one truly be too "obsessed" about Jews? Women are easy to defeat, the problem are the men and the small hats.

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