
Being here on alt-tech and rubbing elbows with nazis and lolicons gives me a front row seat to how absolutely fake and gay the so-called "far right" is.

After all your JQ shit, watching you glow in the dark and voice your support for Israel, now of all times, makes me see clearly how controlled the opposition is.

I long suspected that you lot were LARPing when you obsessed about Jews instead of taking women's right away.

Now all reasonable doubt has been removed from my mind.

Which so-called "Nazis" are voicing support for Israel? 🤨
Yep - minds is screwed - vast majority of its users are just mentally sick or rejects. Unfortunately. Very little free thinkers.

@Tfmonkey Can you say the same for the far left or are they more authentically aligned with the leftist ideology?

@Rumbler The Left is split between the true believer Marxists and the Jew-controlled ruling elites.

@Tfmonkey They have always been just mossad from unit 8200.

@Tfmonkey I posted this meme to summarize it.

Racists are mentally backdoored. Show them members of their race in a positive light, doing what you want them to do, and any convictions they claim to have go out the window. Show them a woman of their race, and any awareness of female nature and support for patriarchy evaporates.

The glowies absolutely would propagate values and ideologies that make people this controllable. And, it stands to reason, they did.

@Tfmonkey It's the same in every western country, the "far right" is Jewish. That's how tight their control is.
The Christian angle of JQ is, to a great extent, controlled op.
That being said, you also have MGTOW channels on the side of Israel, so yeah...
All groups have been infiltrated to some level, JQ included.
But given all that you have seen, can one truly be too "obsessed" about Jews? Women are easy to defeat, the problem are the men and the small hats.

@Tfmonkey dang tifum why so black pilled today, I thought you said that you had hope that people would rise up against the jews and their NWO, so what happened? Personally I am not staying around to find out, I already left.

@Tfmonkey Yes. I am having my doubts about the German far right led by a Lesbian women.


People need to start thinking and talking about Zionism as the invading, colonizing pseudo-religion it actually is.

It colonizes everything - we have Zionist Christians AND Zionist atheists, Zionist communists AND Zionist Neocons, Zionist feminism AND Zionist patriarchy. And yes, there is even Zionist Islam.

It is a cancer that has to be taken out with extreme prejudice everywhere.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey This is not the time line that they Live created for us to exist in.The sunglasses give you a headache

"Its the Jews!"
"Its communists!"
Its both, and one hand washes the other. Two different factions, using and exploiting eachother for mutual benefit. Their only common enemy is us.

@Tfmonkey Maybe their hatred of brown people 'le heckin palestinos' has clouded their judgement. Or they're just fake and gay grifters or whatever.

@Tfmonkey >watching you glow in the dark and voice your support for Israel
idk, I've been pretty vocal especially recently about my absolute disdain for Israel and Jewish behavior. I very rarely get posts that come across my feed that are supportive of Israel, and generally speaking it's in a "I don't give a fuck about either" kind of context. I think it's who you surround yourself with.

I also think it prudent to point out that feminism is encouraged and supported to a large degree by Jewish interests. The elitists are like 90-95% Jewish. Jews who aren't Zionists, and this does not even necessarily mean they don't support Israeli statehood, are by and large progressives.

These two issues are intertwined. Also, for the record, filling your thoughts with Jews means they win. Need other interests. Rent-free and all that.
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