If you are for individualism, you should be for depopulation.

The more abundant a resource is, the less value it holds individually. It's the same with people. We can afford to be weak, because we are so many.
Moreover, there isn't enough land or game to hunt for everyone. We have to mass produce food, vaccinate animals/plants, genetically alter them and force them to grow in unhealthy and unnatural conditions.
Quality, not quantity. We don't need more normies, regardless of their race.


The problem is not the population increasing or decreasing

But the ratios of parasites to non-parasites

The Welfare state increases the parasite population through unethical means such as through supporting a involuntary tax claimed to be used for welfare

While decreasing the population of people who either work alone to produce their own resources by themselves or who engage in voluntary trade


@shortstories It's technically true that the ratio is what matters, but in practical terms, the greater the number of plebs, the less likely the parasites will remain a minority. Big numbers are hard to manage, so much so that almost any political system can work when you're working with a small group of people who all have to work to survive. It shouldn't be a population size issue, but it inevitably becomes one. To put it simply, lots of people together can afford to be weak individually.

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