@Tfmonkey Congratulations, you successfully predicted the future, just like Alex Jones, Tim Pool and the rest. I have no idea why you thought Trump would be the target of an assassination attempt, but you were right.

Now ask yourself this. If the shooter was some random leftist, why didn't this happen in 2016, when Trump was WAY more hated than he is now.
And if this was the establishment, how could they miss? They got Kennedy in the 60s on a moving vehicle, but now they miss?

@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey - first thought: The CIA is too reliant on Internet-groomed unstable individuals. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


@YoMomz Especially since they could have simply arrested Trump, have the cameras fail and do whatever they wanted with him, even send some unstable individual to do the deed. But no, by some miracle all this happens and Trump dodges the bullet.

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