
Trump is a massive zionist but deep down in his heart of hearts, he only wants what's best for America. How do I know this? I just know it, shut up.

The CIA tried to kill Trump, even though they're both owned by the same group. No it couldn't have been staged because they didn't aim for his arm.

What is it about Trump that makes people consciously or subconsciously want to shill for him? Is it the hair, the orange skin, the voice, I don't get it. Surely it can't be his actions/policies.

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People root for Trump the same way they root for their sportsball team.
I see these newsreaders talk about how they were crying when they learned Trump got shot at. They also are touting that they "missed" him. As if that was it; now they are going to win. So cringeworthy.
They do not understand that they ONLY missed *that time*. They will not use a sniper to kill him next time. They will probably poison him and it will be someone close to him.

@sardonicsmile I guess, it's definitely an emotional thing, people get very defensive about it.

I would legit be speechless if they actually harmed Trump in any way, like WHY would they turn on their best asset? What's the plan then, who else is going to promote WW3 and vaccines on the Right? DeSantis?
If anyone can fulfill the Jews' plans for America, it's Trump, no one else can fill his shoes. They're not going to let any rogue faction within the Dems to take him out.

@Based_Accelerationist @sardonicsmile Donald Trump is the Antichrist he is just following a script this August 4th a headwound with a drone attack declare death but come back to life. Both fake and Gay no bullets just special effects.

@VeganMGTOW @sardonicsmile I get it, August 4th if Trump is the target of another assassination that very day and especially in the way you described it, I won't believe the narrative.

@Based_Accelerationist @sardonicsmile The only issue Is that they have either this August 4th or Next year For the reset is going to be in August 4th but Not sure 2024 or 2025 only in one of 2 years can happens.

There is another prediction Next year Sincé didnt happens this year 100% happens Next Is June 11th Seattle Washington Fake and Gay Nuke Attack.

@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist @sardonicsmile

It was real dude, a man got his head blown in front of dozens of witnesses. However the secret service's DHS rent a cops on site let the shooter take his shot on purpose, it was an inside job.

@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist @sardonicsmile

"Donald Trump is the Antichrist he is just following a script"


Is he the real anti Christ or someone following a script to look like the anti Christ in the Bible

Also the script with the Ear is similar to Malchus in

John 18:10–11


Luke 22:50–51

And not just similar to the beast who had one of his heads wounded which was healed in Revelation 13:3 and Revelation 13:12

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