All these stories of white rednecks who can't wait to vote for Harris in "Trump country" are bullshit. It's like these "and everyone clapped" stories. Video or STFU.

Show me all these traditional white Republican voters who are switching their vote from Trump to Harris and tell me why. Is it the inflation? The numerous failed wars? The open borders? The crime? What about that last four years are they excited to see continue?

The only group that comes to mind are "never Trump" RINOs and elites.


@Tfmonkey What about Trump's 4 years are you exited to see continue?

Maybe those people prefer declared enemies over traitors? Maybe they didn't buy the obviously staged assassination attempt. Maybe they understand Trump is much better for Jews than Kamala, maybe they're tired of falling for psyops and trusting the father of vaccines, maybe they don't want Epstein's buddy in the White House again, who knows, but whoever they are, they're smarter than Trump voters.

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