
All these stories of white rednecks who can't wait to vote for Harris in "Trump country" are bullshit. It's like these "and everyone clapped" stories. Video or STFU.

Show me all these traditional white Republican voters who are switching their vote from Trump to Harris and tell me why. Is it the inflation? The numerous failed wars? The open borders? The crime? What about that last four years are they excited to see continue?

The only group that comes to mind are "never Trump" RINOs and elites.

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trump seems to side with juden .. i dont get it , but dumocrats dont ?
its kinda tiresome , but i remember gas well under 2 bucks

@iwetoddid you can't be a politician in the West without sucking Jew cock. Anyone who opposes AIPAC gets primaried and loses their job, even among the Democrats with all their pro-Palestinian activists.

im not near as "all for trump" as i was .. but i would by far prefer 4 more years of "mean tweets"
stocks will go up , gas and electricity will come down
thats my logic

@iwetoddid Not only is Trump a huge Zionist, but he's also the only candidate who can get Americans on board with their agenda. If they orchestrate an Iranian false flag, people will follow Trump and many will accept to fight for him, whereas few would quietly be drafted with Kamala in charge. "He took a bullet for us, now it's our turn to protect our country and our president!" Etc.

Mean tweets might be nice, but the father of vaccines will psyop his followers again unlike any Dem ever could

agreed , but we have 2 choices , and hes White ?

@iwetoddid He might be orange, but him and his kids are already converting to Judaism. I wouldn't call his family white anymore, they're shabbos goyim at best. He'll gladly betray whites, whereas Kamala doesn't have their trust in the first place.

i just want the shit over with .. lol , sick of fuckin drama
we are hosed either way
people all in for the sandnigger , are stupid redditors

@Tfmonkey it's consistent with the Kamala campaign psyop going on. As Styxhexenhammer describes it's, it's a sound election strategy clinton used, where he poached policy positions from republicans to make them support him.

The current game is kamala not saying what she believes & blatantly stealing Trump's promises to fool right-wing retards into voting for her. Meanwhile her campaign is hiding her because the more she's exposed, the more people hate her.

Her entire campaign is a farce.

@Tfmonkey and by farce I mean it's all just fake. She's a fake human, pushed with fake support, being the VP to a fake president, all the while campaigning as if she isn't currently an incumbent. I don't think I've seen a more fake candidate in my lifetime. Her campaign is truly a campaign for retards. Her campaign signifies what democrats honestly think of their voter base. A fake campaign pushing a retard into the presidency, to be voted for by complete retards who eat everything they're fed.

@Tfmonkey Older boomer types in the South,might have Trump Derangement Syndrome simply because they have cable TV and have been psy opped by the 24hr news cycle,they also worship whatever their stupid redneck wife tells them and she watches the same shit and they are basically male feminist pussy worshipping boomers who spend every waking minute with that cunt

@Tfmonkey I have a strong suspicion that most of those stories are trolling copypastas thar are meant to be ridiculous. Or at least that was how it originated. Same kind of posts happened in 2020 with Biden.

If anyone is unironically posting such stories, they are seriously stupid because they are expecting others to believe an obviously fake and gay story.

You underestimate just how many wanna see Clown World burn.

@Tfmonkey it's the local election fed, fed posting and election meddling

@Tfmonkey you talking about me TFM, I was gonna vote for Biden and now I am voting for Camel toe. Better to have an incompetent leader leading the troon army than a competent one, I hope she ends up stealing the vote and nobody does anything again.

@Tfmonkey What about Trump's 4 years are you exited to see continue?

Maybe those people prefer declared enemies over traitors? Maybe they didn't buy the obviously staged assassination attempt. Maybe they understand Trump is much better for Jews than Kamala, maybe they're tired of falling for psyops and trusting the father of vaccines, maybe they don't want Epstein's buddy in the White House again, who knows, but whoever they are, they're smarter than Trump voters.

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