Here's one of @Tfmonkey 's ANTI -ZIONIST Jews caught in the wild. See how totally different they are from those other zionist Joos?
No no, Judaism isn't the problem, it's just the white-looking zionists that want to enslave you...

But to be fair, props to TFM for not falling for the "fake Jews"/Khazarians/Satanists/Frankists psyops, they're just Jews.

@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey
I don't get it people who says it's not all jews. It's not a secret at all.
It has been written in their Torah for literal thousand of years and it never changed. It's their religion and like all other groups, they enforce their religion belief with fire and steel.
Props to Israel for never cucking.

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey

There you go he is not really anti-zionist

He says he plans to enslave the Palestinians after the messiah comes


@shortstories @Zeb Exactly, AFTER. See I'm glad you too can appreciate these subtleties and don't just lump them all together, like an ignorant anti-semite, nuance is key.

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