Monkey see, monkey do.
It's not the Joo, it's a Zionist minority mostly of white-looking Jews and they only care about Israel. The pods and the bugs, you'll own nothing and be happy? That's the Globalists! The ones based in Europe, you know, the territory conquered by the US and Israel in WW2.
Bravo, and just when I thought you couldn't get any more retarded.
You may now return to your corner and eat crayons.
@Based_Accelerationist Halsey skipped today's stream and it was a whole lot better than usual. Remember, Halsey mysteriously started showing up again only after TFM put on the They Live shades.
@Mongoliaboo Didn't watch, but I'm aware TFM acts differently when Halsey isn't around. Still, you won't get him to stray too far from that narrative regardless.
@Based_Accelerationist lol TFMs life story