
@MrpoopyButhole @zebuceta
New racism alert. New racism alert.

Take notes.

@MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta fuck man, for the life of me I dont get it, pls explain

@37712 @MrpoopyButhole @zebuceta If you put a bomb in their cunt and have it explode all the meat chunks will be pink raw meat color.

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta are you saying you have never seen the inside of a pussy before?

@MrpoopyButhole @37712 @zebuceta maybe he's only seen blue waffles. Hey karuros here's some homework for you. Look up "blue waffle."

@MrpoopyButhole @37712 @zebuceta You needed to see it sooner or later. Glad I could help you in this step of your life.

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole @zebuceta I googled it and got nothing other than a couple of articles saying that it is an internet hoax and not real. Dud we live in an age of lies and censorship, you cant tell ppl to google something anymore, they won't find it. Apparently it is a vagina with a blue coloration to it, but says that it is an internet hoax.

@MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta I have seen pussy and I seen when women open their pussy, but I still dont get it, hell I had sex with my wifu today and I saw her pussy but I still dont get it

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