@ButtWorldsMan The practical application is the the false sense of "I" is the cause of all your suffering, but you do you.

@Tfmonkey I suffer because I am a human with a corporeal existence in a world that challenges my ability to remain alive. Existing in and of itself is suffering, regardless of any word games about the "I."

@Tfmonkey this is a rebuttal to your claim that a "false sense of I" is the cause of "all" my suffering. Clearly not all.

@ButtWorldsMan I am only writing because you said you were "waiting" for my response.

This conversation is no longer about the subject, and is no getting into definitions of pain versus suffering, the nature of suffering, mental image, etc.

It's obviously none of you have the desire or capacity to have the actual conversation, and want to quibble about inconsequential shit.

Thus I stopped responding to everyone. Feel free to continue to pat yourselves on the back for wasting my time.

@Tfmonkey Ah, as I expected. It would've devolved into word magic to justify the claim of "all." Back patted, thanks.

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