@zebuceta @37712 They're acting like a girlfriend who was just caught cheating, and is throwing lies against the wall and hoping something sticks.

@Tfmonkey @zebuceta in this interview they state that india and south Africa have confirmed that they will not be talking about a gold backed currency in the meeting, so, is this just propaganda?


@37712 @Tfmonkey @zebuceta Jeff Snider said the same thing. It's a wait and see moment now.

@ButtWorldsMan @37712 @zebuceta Maybe India and South Africa were bought off. I guess it's time to buy US bonds and sell commodities.

@ButtWorldsMan @37712 @zebuceta India and South Africa is probably trying to play both sides. Brazil already had a color revolution, and Russia and China are being actively aggressed upon, but India and South Africa likely think they can cozy up to the US and get a deal like Turkey.

It's very sad to see countries being so easily bribed by America, but these are very poor countries.

If push comes to shove, BRICS is more than doubling in size, and they can move forward without these two states.

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