
@Tfmonkey Just saw this. People generally know there's a problem. They can feel it. They can see it. It's clear to them they're getting raped. What they don't have, likely by design, is a clear understanding of how the government, hand in hand with their corrupt big money corpo buddies, are raping the financial future of everyone in the country not in the know. Which is the vast majority of the population.

An ever growing, parasite feeding welfare state paired with the elimination of capitalism

@southpole21 @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey I'm sure it is deliberate. I remember TFM asserting that their goal is to remove men from positions of authority; in the workplace and the family. Thereby giving authority to the female. That is how they can transfer wealth/money to females and authority over children/family to the mothers; whi brainwash the children ro be transgender despite the father protesting.
Nevertheless, the "family" is a Matriarchal organization, to be sure.

@sardonicsmile @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

The gov and women really teamed up against men.

I was just talking with a divorced friend about how family courts are just a wealth transfer system

@ButtWorldsMan and the calculator that converts 1980s wages to today's wages is based on the CPI which essentially understates inflation by half.

The fact is that inflation is how the government pays for everything. Look at the percentage of the population on welfare in 1980 compared to today. The answer may shock you.

@Tfmonkey Been following you too long to be shocked by welfare numbers.

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