I am just gonna put this here and let @Tfmonkey rip me a new one about his fav game

I have own fallout 3 new vegas for many years and have never played it once.


@Tfmonkey @37712 Karuros, I need you to understand that there are memes currently beyond your comprehension, and you have the power to fix this.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey ok I am currently playing zelda skyward sword, same thing I bought it a long long time ago and played it but never finished it so I am playing that from scratch, when I am done with that I will play fallout

The only issue is I dont know which one... I have them all, and I have only played a little of fallout 3

With what game in the fallout series should I start ?

@37712 @Tfmonkey New Vegas is its own thing. Don't play 3 it's a waste of time. Fallout 1 & 2 are a completely different genre, so there's no rush there. 3 is an inferior game. Also make sure to look into New Vegas modding. On PC there are essential mods to increase the RAM limits of the executable. The vanilla limit is 2 gigs. Very low.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey ok I will do the new vegas for pc and with modes, I will contact you later for suggestions.

@37712 @Tfmonkey I can't hold your hand through New Vegas modding. I'll link something I found just now and all you have to do is read the instructions. Not sure how familiar you are with modding but always read the instructions and follow them to the letter. Read the "read me" of the mods, too. Follow the steps and everything will work in the end.

@Tfmonkey @37712 i don't like vortex. Prefer their old nexus mod manager. It has LOOT integrated into, but otherwise it's more flashy than useful to me.

@Tfmonkey @37712 I think I see what you meant. You're probably responding to my talking about reading everything. Even with a mod manager you absolutely need to know how to integrate the mod in a way that makes it compatible with others. What to overwrite. Etc.

The guide I linked is for essential mods only. It's just vanilla+. Don't know what they say as far as mod managers go, but that won't be an issue here.

@Tfmonkey @37712 also, if you're ready to move beyond dealing with mod managers and searching everything by yourself, I can introduce you to the beauty and splendor of WABBAJACK!

Here are some examples of how other people have taken the time to curate and put together all the mods they think are necessary (and are compatible with each other) for a completely overhauled experience in Fallout 4, thus saving you all the time you would've spent researching and reading and testing yourself.

@Tfmonkey @37712 and most importantly. This is all F R E E.

I unironically spent half of last year playing Fallout 4 and Skyrim, fueled only by modlists. So much entertainment value all for free.

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