My power went out precisely as I was preparing to go live. i had everything up and ready and go.

My power and internet are back. I could go live now, but the show will be shorter because I have to go to work, or we can do the show in the evening.

@Tfmonkey Maybe you can do the show without banter. Ezpz quick n cheezy

@ButtWorldsMan everyone left. It'll take another hour to get everyone back together, and then the show will only be an hour long.


@Tfmonkey isn't the point to get to the news? You've done solo before.

@ButtWorldsMan hmmm, you drive a hard bargain Buttwordsman, but I see your point.

@Tfmonkey, those of us living in Florida today can sympathize about your power going out unexpectedly.

@IcarusWax @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Now go and spend another couple of grand to install a diesel/gas/gasoline energy generator for your home

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