Have any of the waifu lovers played Bloodborne?

The Plain Doll is a clear candidate to be a waifu for people. She is literally a doll, and she says things like this, "Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But... do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course... I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?"

Maybe people could get more used to the idea of a doll and a waifu using her analogously?

@DoubleD she's a good waifu, but she belongs to someone else, and even if he offered to share her with you, that's gross.


@Tfmonkey @DoubleD reminder that he's in a wheelchair. That doll is VERY used.

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