The israel twitter account has some great comedy.


@ButtWorldsMan Israelis, the most racist ppl on the planet, the eternal liers.

@ButtWorldsMan "Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand know that you have no right to let them live."

— Exterminatus Extremis

"There is no place for the weak-willed or hesitant. Only by firm action and resolute faith will mankind survive. No sacrifice is too great. No treachery too small."

— Liber Doctrina Ordo Hereticus, Chapter XXVIII, "Exterminatus"

i like that they point out all the ways they're like vermin for us
@ButtWorldsMan I know I was an adult when these movies came out, but even as a kid I don't ever remember being infatuated with ANYTHING like people are with this franchise? The most I ever been was like: "Ooh, neat, cool, awesome!"
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