
The jew cum within her body and bank account are evaporating in real time. Can we all just agree jew cum means kike bux?

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey What can be said anymore about the walking meme of stereotypes that is Ben Shapiro, other than how has he been tolerated for so long if he truly was on the right side of history?

@fal1026 @Tfmonkey i think it's great how all the dual citizens are outing themselves so loudly.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey That's definitely a lesson people don't understand when immigration comes up as a topic legal or otherwise, people who are allowed to walk in & out of a society when it suits them aren't citizens, they're vacationers at best.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey - I have no objection to that lingo addendum. 🫡

jew cum = kike bux

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