The virgin forgive and forgetter vs the gigachad revenger


Once upon a time there were two murder bros, Punisher and Rorschach. But there were also 2 faggot-buddies, Batman and DareDevil, and they used to fuck up all the murder-bro fun with their crying.

One by one they pissed Rorschach off and so he killed them all for being little degenerate bitches.

The End.

@UncleIroh rorschach shouldve murder bro'd ozymandias, but then he got zapped like a bitch.


That is unfortunately true. Adolf and his kung-fu nazi niggers got me on that one.


@UncleIroh I literally just googled the title and it gave me a list of reaction images.


This is my fave bit of the trailer. Herr Idi Amin taking scalps like a boss.

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