And then...
for literally no reason at all...
all of a sudden...
Hitler comes back from the dead and starts killing people.
Like I said in earlier post:
“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
― Adolf Hitler
Our current day politicians are being morally shamed by Hitler.
Some Democrats say, "If we do not provide transgender treatment to children it is bad for them. If we do provide transgender treatment for children it is good for them"
Some Republicans say,, "If we do not provide transgender treatment to children it is good for them. If we do provide transgender treatment for children it is bad for them"
Both sides claim that you should take their side because taking their side is best for children
Think of the Children - Out Now
Fellow Traveller
If you honestly think both of these positions are equivalent then I have an impalement spike with your name on it.
One is correct and the other is wrong
But both sides will try to persuade people with the phrase, "think of the children"
Then we're all fucked. The treatment of children is ultimately where this showdown is heading.
In the blue corner: mass abortion, sterilization & vaccination of children, the promotion of pedophilia, increase in sex-trafficking & general anti-natalism
Red corner: the nuclear family & the same old tired "think of the children" casus belli psyop for every single fucking war.
This goes 2 ways - back to the days of child-sacrifice, or an impalement spike reset.
I have heard Democrats say things similar to the following
legalized abortion for minors is good for minors
That abortion prevents children from growing up in a home that causes them to suffer
That sterilizing people is good for children because they do not have to live in a over populated society and the children that are alive well have more resources per person
They will try to make it sound like every child killing program they have is good for children
It's a fool-proof way to instantly tell who's evil or not: "are the outcomes of your policies dead/maimed children?"
@UncleIroh @shortstories just a brief interjection:
The foreigners leftists are importing (mexicans and muslims) are very pro children. Muslims especially don't tolerate tranny shit.
kinda offset by all the abortions and the exploded growth in child sex-trafficking and pedophilia from open borders.
at this point i just think they're running out the clock on which mass-extinction plan of theirs gets the big numbers in first.
Degenerates like this deserve:
What "frustration" could they possibly have regarding their "migrant background"
That they got let in
If they were more frustrated to be let in and given free stuff then they would be not to be let in
Then they should not come
Or people should make them less frustrated by not letting them in