@VooDooMedic more straya shit showing up on my timeline.

Lot of responses are coming from booty bothered women. It seems like men are once again going to kool-aid man their way into a female space and RKO "women's rights."


@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic they're demanding our willing compliance with their desire to enslave us all
@ButtWorldsMan @VooDooMedic "Do what we say or else" is only compelling if people think you won't do the "or else" anyways.

I think Jews have reached the point where people no longer consider them capable of coexisting in good faith. The Right and Left alike see Chuck Schumer claiming not importing infinity somalis is a hate crime while also saying Israel should be allowed to genocide Palestine, and conclude that there's not really any negotiation to be had.
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