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@MrpoopyButhole By allah I swear these infidels will never succeed. They shall be struck down wherever they appear in the name of Muhammad's market minute.

@Tfmonkey israel genocide run going strong. Don't know if there's going to be much more replayability to this game.

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Kikerael now running war ads on social media. Lots of engagement.

Reposting from MMM:

This is the most entertained I've been all year. The attack on israel and the reactions to it. The potential shakeup of the cathedral and how people see mass immigration. The decline of the western empire as it gets dragged into more and more conflicts it will need to finance. TFM making the white nationalists/heeb haters rub their hands jewishly. This is all just so entertaining.

Some men just want to watch the clown world honk.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.