
Whoa the kikes are killing journalists. Wtf I support israel now.

@Tfmonkey israel genocide run going strong. Don't know if there's going to be much more replayability to this game.

@Tfmonkey "conservative" king kike Benny alluding to samson option. Timmy alluding to the backlash.

@Tfmonkey Okay does there not seem to be a scheme here beyond simply hamas attacks israel for the Nth time? Hamas seems to be trying to provoke as much brutality as possible.

@Tfmonkey and all that wisdom will be lost in time, like posts deleted on reddit

So apparently journos/photographers either were with hamas or had advanced knowledge of their october 7 attack.


@ButtWorldsMan I don't think they've thought it through how putting genocide back on the menu as morally acceptable will boomerang back on them.

@Tfmonkey You believe this game will have a sequel. The kind where the protagonist of the first game becomes the antagonist of the second.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey - The more I hear descriptions of Gaza, the more it seems like a colossal housing project. Or maybe more like the defunct "Kowloon Walled City" from Hong Kong in the 80s.

Like, if Marcy Projects in NYC decided to "go to war" with the state of NY... How much cohesion and strategy on their part, could be expected?

Maybe Gaza was just that unwise.

@ButtWorldsMan we're at the "let us win or we'll kill you all" stage of the dying empire.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

Shapiro is now the defacto American spokesperson for Israel's Likud nationalist government and their policy.

Think about that kind of power. And what does he do with it?

@ButtWorldsMan or, more likely: kikes predisposed genetic inclination for paranoid schizophrenia has gone into overdrive.
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