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@Tfmonkey Dreizin's analysis of the war is that the arabs are trying to create the perfect george floyd moment that gets the west to tug on Israel's leash because they'd be pissing off too many people. Too much bad optics globally.

The hospital lie failed. Now there's an attempt with some church.

It's like when ukraine kept incessantly lying about russian "war crimes," but now it's the west's job to deboonk the stories. How the turns have tabled.

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@Tfmonkey Meanwhile, watch out boys because WW3 is coming very soon to a ukraine near you.

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@Tfmonkey I know he still works for the government, but I still want to know where this nigger gets his insider info.

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Degenerate evil scum come up with the best euphemisms for their faggotry.

@Tfmonkey Meanwhile, on the flip side, russian media is also absolutely obsessed by the gaza conflict and went apeshit over the hospital shit. Many were taken in by the propaganda and fag of war.

Globohomo is optically on its back foot. No wonder israel desperately needs such a massive marketing push.

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@Tfmonkey The more I hear about it, the more it looks like the first article was you falling for propaganda. If Halsey wasn't there, you'd be repeating this in MMM forever.

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat

Remember this image from the summer?

In the business, we call that foreshadowing. 😏

Hear my shitposts today come from @Tfmonkey's mouth tomorrow.

Buttworldsman news network. We're ahead of the curve.

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