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@Tfmonkey Georgie boy needs to calm the fuck down with these clickbait titles.

@Tfmonkey if you haven't listened to this conversation from Deus Ex (a.k.a., best game ever) where the protag talks to a prototype AI, you should give it a chance. The game was released in 2000.

Hearing that jews in NY are being attacked more.

On the bright side, at least russians aren't the favorite target of NPCs anymore.

Just going through old posts of mine on discord.

Twitter hated him for telling the truth.

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@mrhorsetwat you may be a degenerate bag of lard, but at least you're not bri'ish.

America has already embraced fascism, you just need to pay attention. Don't criticize the regime. Or else.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.