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Hope the rest of you fellow americans here are paying attention to this.

Things might get spicy this weekend.

My fellow merovingians, I know we've had many an argument about this important topic, but I would like to present to you another point that should be considered. If it's too complicated you are welcome to listen to it as many time until your puny brains finally understand the argument.

Breaking news: Big dick moment happening in big boy Texas.

The governor has invoked the "fuck da feds" clause of the constitution.


Big changes coming to Argentinian government.

The country will bounce back in no time. It isn't the citizen that will be getting milked this time around.

Unfathomably based response to a dorkheologist.

She's deaf, but you can guarantee she could hear those arrowheads getting cracked in her head.

I bring good news from Short Fat Otaku, @Tfmonkey. Fear not for everything is fine. Getting better, actually. You can't possibly mount a counterargument against this. Where's the ruin?

>don't hate the player, hate the game

Just alt-f4 out of it.

Dirty, dumb, journo scum
Got the coof poke in the arm
Tried forcing others to follow his stead
Now here he is just fucking dead

@RoninGrey this is why you fucking coon cunts are discriminated against. It's because you deserve it.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.