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Round up all these bitches, calculate their net worth, then send them back to ukraine and tell Zelensky he's getting a 23 dollar stimulus package.

Shitposting on the internet is literally causing blackrock kikes to have shitfits in corporate meetings.

This is so fucking funny to me.

I'm just picturing Biden on his knees for a rabbi, cock in mouth, giving iran hand signals for how they're allowed to attack the rabbi from behind.

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I know it's weird, but I have a vagina fetish. I'd seek therapy for it, but the therapist would likely be a woman and that'd just exacerbate the problem.


Iran responds to statement by Biden Administration regarding its attack on israel.

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No, he should not be "left alone." It's already bad enough the politician is figuratively full of shit.

Good job, Iran. You managed to not be a bigger cuck than destiny.

Laughing at the IQ drop when a white decides to go black.

"How would you feel if you didn't have a black girlfriend this morning?"

"But I do have a black girlfriend."

@DoubleD exactly. That's what bloodsports is all about. Drama, yelling, scoring owns and internet points. The winner is the one who gets the most followers and support after.

@DoubleD stupid argument over a hypothetical that won't happen.

Reminds me when halsey was talking shit about israel being able to handle itself, meanwhile kikes are demanding support every other week from the US tax payer.

@DoubleD internet bloodsports was never about understanding. It's pure trash entertainment, like Jerry Springer.

@DoubleD would you elaborate? I stopped keeping up with the shows.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.