@UncleIroh Look goy I'll repay you the money and give you back 90 dollahs. I promise you'll get back your 50 dollahs. I will never forget that I need to pay you back your 20 dollahs.
@Zeb @VooDooMedic in this case it's for the best. I hope all the leftists kill themselves.
@perfect_brains I'm not going to look a gift corpse in the mouth.
@Tfmonkey maybe in 100 years.
Absolutely fucking fascinating segment in a Tim Pool video today.
His mental overton window has shifted on voting rights, also. Now he believes, wrongly, that making selective service optional, and signing up for it tied to voting rights, is the right solution. It won't solve the problem, but the point is he doesn't believe voting is a right.
Very slowly becoming redpilled. Too slow, honestly.
@southpole21 @RoninGrey Depends on the type of job, I guess. I'm talking about women who are professionals. If you just interacted with them in the normal course of business, and that's it, you'd think they were competent and impressive.
I have been around them long enough to see that illusion shattered. I've seen the emperor have no clothes. It's hard to respect them after they behave like children in front of you.
@RoninGrey Worked with multiple females in management positions. They put on a facade of professionalism, but hang around them long enough and you'll witness them behave like children and/or whine. I'm talking adult women aged 40+.
Firsthand experience is the best redpill.
@LysanderMooner i saw Tate's tweet this morning on xwitter.
I just don't care what a dual citizen grifter worm has to say.
Just looking at the url itself: andrew-tates-filthy-grift
That's fucking rich. Israeli wire dual citizen Ben Shapiro talking about filthy grifting.