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Men: I have this waifu/doll/AI to simulate a female companion.

Women: I have tree. It's hard and thick. It has termites. We're married.

The surgeon begins the healing process by first cutting the patient open.

@marlathetourist @DoubleD doubled is like the full metal alchemist, except all his metal is skillets, woks, ladles, pots, pans, etc.

@DoubleD You know the artistry is masterful when perverts like me want to rub the belly of the rock shaped like a female.

I imagine the creators were absolutely incredibly perverted to be able to sculpt something so life-like.

Western sculptors walked so that jap hentai artists could run.

@DoubleD so you're absolutely right about salt. The sharpness of the salt highlights the bitterness of the coffee flavor.

@DoubleD Salt to enhance coffee? I knew you were a fucking alchemist.

@DoubleD 'bout to make a hwite russian with the following ingredients. Don't know if you occasionally drink, but cheers and Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to everyone except these lockdown losers who should give themselves the gift of suicide.

@Tfmonkey Whaaaaat? The Star Wars meme thread has christmas memes now?

It has christmas memes now.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.