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Man ( @RoninGrey ) you fucking coon niggers have psyopped me into liking raccoons. After years of being inundated with coon memes and images I can't help but like them now.

Sons of The Forest came out of early access yesterday and they added raccoons to the game and those things are cute as fuck. Wish you could have pets in the game that just follow you around.

Niggers need an entire tribal effort to figure out how smoke detectors work. After many tribal meetings and twerk sessions and fried chicken buckets, they just might figure out how to change the battery. One of these days.

@Tfmonkey *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* GET REELECTED GET REELECTED

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Hey @DicusMaximus, would you draw @Tfmonkey as a fat, water retaining slob with his saggy old MMA fighter body titties and military tattoos being dignifAI'd into a fit chimp wearing a suit?

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Timothy Pool is playing around with the google AI and got this.

It apologizes exactly like a cucked white soyboy faced with a stronk black woman. "P-p-please don't call me racis that's harmful how brown do you want it pls tell me pls." HAHAHAHAHA

Truly a product of the cucked white, nigger cock worshipping faggots who made it.


Time to update your current year vocabulary as a new whore cope has been invented: whorephobia.

@Tfmonkey get you some knowledge

Tucker's in the news again for showing off a train station & supermarket in Moscow. People think Moscow is some Potemkin city. No, you dumb cock smokers. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It's a real place with real people, living real lives. Yes, it's also kept fucking clean.

I think these accusations come from jealousy, because American subway systems are full of homeless, druggies, trash, niggers doing nigger things. They're disgusting. This is pure fucking jealousy.

New version of the "how media is propaganda" meme just dropped.

Updated for a modern audience, one might say.

Let's play a game. Do not cheat by looking up the article.

Who are the group of people being talked about here?

Germans say they can sometimes feel vibrations in the ground, water, and even the air. It doesn't register on the richter scale, but it's noticeable enough for the average person to feel it.

That's Hitler's ghost howling at the current state of Germany.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.