
Do you have any evidence that this jurisdiction applies to my case?

@ButtWorldsMan I'd be surprised if I hadn't spoken at length with these "make huwhite babies" types in the past. They are indigo-pilled. They worship pussy and the only standard they have for white women is that they shouldn't have sex with non-white men.

This guy is so blue-pilled, he is likely paying for his wife's lawyer but didn't hire one for himself.

@ButtWorldsMan This is why I believe white nationalism is pushed by the glowies. It's a ploy to use feminist white women to neutralize white men.

Once they're all getting milked by the family court system, or have that threat hanging over their heads, they will be completely irrelevant. The system will never have to fear them. If they act up in any way, then it will come up in their next hearing, and their noose will be tightened.

@ButtWorldsMan to be fair, a lawyer probably wouldn't have changed anything. Just - get - a - doll.

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