My teenage daughter who is here 50% of the time,told me today if I use her bathroom,the guest bathroom in the hall.I need to put down the toilet seat.While not noticing I emptied her trash in her bathroom full of her bloody pads.I wonder if she will say something when I piss on the seat…it is cute that she is becoming more like her mother every day.



Flip it on her, tell her its her responsibility to keep the toilet seat up.

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@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu She is A red head you have to teach them the hard way,after she cleans my piss up.I will employ your strategy verbally good sir,but I must exhibit my streams power first.

@Scubbie @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu Remind her who's house this is and who pays the bills.
I think the brainwashing is thorough... She is likely a lost cause.
I wish I had a solid response, for you... Best distance yourself from her.

@sardonicsmile @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu The ex wife turned my daughters against me years ago,but I am not just a sperm donor and am in their life 50% of the time until they are 18 whether they like it or not,in this instance of time

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Scubbie @sardonicsmile tell her that she is a strong and empowered woman who dont need no man to lower the toilet seat for her.

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