@Tfmonkey A real cool book you would be interested in is Our Inner Ape written by one of the world's best prime ape researchers. One fund fact that would interest you is that the Apes would pick out an Ape as a scapegoat that everyone would shit on. If they removed the shit Ape they would choose another. So there is a basis for having an underpass minority as a doormat. I would pick up the book. They talk about Bonoboes vs chimps etc

@Tfmonkey I am doing this. I am in the Balkans and I have been here for 3 years and I started my own business here. I am not talking out of my ass. Eventhough you are an hard headed, I really enjoy your takes on Israel and I would like to save you from the civil war or whatever that happens. You have enough to have a bugout house in the Balkans.

@Tfmonkey You can buy a house in Serbia, Bulgaria etc for $10,000 or less. In Serbia You get a residency with any purchase. Once you get there you can make connections. Meet people. You can have a vacation house ski house in Bansko etc. Spend 1 month or two here get to know the community then you are end. Instead of getting to civil war going to Alaska with your dick in your hand. Nobody will steal you shit because you know the neighbors.

@Tfmonkey People have told you many times how to go into a patriarchal community in Serbia Russia etc but you don't listen to them. You are really smart but closed minded sometimes because you think you know it all. I make this mistake too this is why I read 52 books a year to open my mind to different opinions.

@Tfmonkey We need a fascist govt to stop this crap. Also, to stop Walmart from paying employees low wages too. I know the Austrian Economic viewbut it makes no sense that Walmart and Foodlion advocate for food stamps so they don't have to pay their employees. GAO did a report over 11 states 5 million people working full time on food stamps.What is the freedom argument to help these people as they are working. 1 in 7 workers for Food Lion in NC are on Food stamps that's just pure exploitation

@Tfmonkey It seems to solve our JQ problems is right wing fascism. The more I read about Mustash man, the convincing he is and his nationalist govt. The market has spoken that we don't want this Disney Star Wars LGBTQRST^2+=*. Disney is losing millions because of this DEI crap.

If we have freedom, then another group would do what the Tiny hats are doing. So it would be Irish or Italians getting on govt, doing the same hooking up their group at the expense of everyone else.

@Tfmonkey The problem isn't Democrat or Republicans, the enemy of America is within America, they are the Elites. It is the professional management class, college professors, lawyers etc AND the capitalist the Jamie Diamonds, Larry Finch, Jack Welch AND politicians Biden, Trump, AOC ETC. These are the people that has destroyed America.
We have people drinking bottled water because they can't drink the tap water but we have money to fund a genocide forever wars etc. Why can't you see this?

@Tfmonkey Even Aaron Clarey us wising up to corporate greed. These people are just nickle and diming customers. The Man Wjo Broke Capitalism the book details this. Lower quality products, firing people and M&A. No true innovation youtube.com/live/rSwo6-w2Qcc?s

@Based_Accelerationist I agree with depopulation. There are too many people on the planet and depopulation will lower agg demand and start off another Enlightenment era. "We" are people that don't own millions $ of assets. If you get into a car accident right now you are fucked. I know people that pay $12k a year in health insurance and the insurance companies still nickle and dime you.

@Justicar @Tfmonkey Asset bubbles make everyone look "smart". Money is thrown around at nonsense like internet websites, AI, Bitcoin etc. We the tide rolls back, we will see who is in the ocean with their shinny asses in the wind...

@Justicar @Tfmonkey Even TFM knows many of these people fell ass backwards into wealth. They invested in Tech or the housing Bubble like Meet Kevin this guys has no clue of anything. We need to teach Dave Ramseys Total Money Make Over in school so more people will have wealth not just 1% having everything like in South America.

@Tfmonkey What we really need to do is pull a Paul Volker increase interest rates to 20% and double capital gains and dividend taxes then cut social security Medicare etc by 30%. This will be shared austerity not just cutting programs for poor people. The govt has printed way too much money and this money is sloshing around the economy pushing asset prices up. The govt needs to destroy that money and lower inflation.

@Tfmonkey I am not a Maxist. Everyone is greedy and looking to get over on everyone else. This is why we can't have nice things. Workers would differently fucker over capitalist and drive them out of business like in WV with steel workers. But the capitalist will also fucker over the workers. We need balance with not too much power on either side...

@Tfmonkey I really don't under why you are so anti govt. You were raised on welfare, then went worked for the govt as a solider then worked in Intel as a contractor.

Most of your success came from govt programs GI Bill which is just GOP approved welfare. You would not have been able to start a business without working for the govt. So someone could make the argument that you living on the govt dime for decades is welfare and you should pay it back or that you are not a net taxpayer...

@Tfmonkey The Native Land Act of 1913 is a great example in South Africa the whites destroyed black African farmers owners and made it illegal for them to go into trades holding them. For a white example the coal towns of WV were workers were paid in script are another example. You need to have a force outside of markets to push back on the Robber Barons. Under your system this would allow the industrialists to pass these types of laws

@Tfmonkey I appreciate the Net Taxpayer Voter system as authority would be held by those that are responsible. The plan is amazing and women should be sent back to the kitchen.
The only problem is there is nothing stopping the elites from enslaving the rest of the population. If you read the book Why Nations Fail they explain that nations fail because the elites created extractive institutions to drain societybof resources. These include limiting property, IP rights, limiting technology,

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