Don't thank me for my service.

I was lied to, just like we all were. America was the Great Satan, but I didn't see it at the time.

I'm sorry to all the Muslims I indirectly killed. I hope you're in a better place than this dystopian trannypunk hellscape.


@Tfmonkey fuck ‘em.
I asked many cuz there’s a bunch here both AD and ret if they feel sad abt losing afg in 21 and if they hate muzzies.. just collecting on them

All said yes
then I remind them
Of Yugoslavia days;
>the US was murdering White Xtians for Muzzies in kosovo cuz you faggots were told Slobo was a big meanie.
And USA been flooded for decades and sharia soon
And I thank them for spreading sodomy n feminism around the world and Taliban are the good guys

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