@Terry so who’s ready to restore birthrates and btfo holes rights. Crack every feminist cunt skull, btfo simps and cucks that support wamynz rights and voting and make hwyte holes breed again?
Did Japan, Korea open their borders for millions of nogs and nons cos it’s an evil Jew plan?
Or their society, economy is collapsing cos no labor, the welfare state holes, boomers, neets and losers depend on need fresh meat to pay into it? And their gook whores stopped having kids decades ago

@Deuces @Terry we need more niggers and Indians, who TFM love so much. the beautiful Japanese river will turn brown from all the shit.


@RodrickSage @Terry Topic was Zion dong needing migration coz no labor. Coz no babys. Coz hwyte whores stopped having them when hwyte cucks let them be childless career whores.
Same as Peloni Muh RW kween ran on anti migrant position in Italy. Then once elected also said Italy needs 1mil N’s and poos coz economic collapse
I just posted same shit in Japan and Korea.
And faggot kike like you Pops up sperging unrelated kikery about loving nogs and pajeets and tfm
Wash ur ass before Schvitz Moshe

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