
@Terry so who’s ready to restore birthrates and btfo holes rights. Crack every feminist cunt skull, btfo simps and cucks that support wamynz rights and voting and make hwyte holes breed again?
Did Japan, Korea open their borders for millions of nogs and nons cos it’s an evil Jew plan?
Or their society, economy is collapsing cos no labor, the welfare state holes, boomers, neets and losers depend on need fresh meat to pay into it? And their gook whores stopped having kids decades ago

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@Deuces @Terry
LOL Japan! Nigerians??? Hahahahahaha
The retardation knows no bounds.

@Deuces @Terry we need more niggers and Indians, who TFM love so much. the beautiful Japanese river will turn brown from all the shit.

@RodrickSage @Deuces I don't think the japs understand whats being done to them. They think these new workers will be "temporary."
@Terry @RodrickSage @Deuces IIRC the Japanese system of government is more uber fucked than even the Brits and America.
@Terry @RodrickSage @Deuces They got old fossils in charge that couldn't even operate a smartphone to save their own lives.

And the current guy in charge has a very low approval rating.
@Terry @RodrickSage @Deuces For reference, the lowest that Biden has made it, was like 35 percent or something.

This is closer to how Congress is viewed.

@RodrickSage @Terry Topic was Zion dong needing migration coz no labor. Coz no babys. Coz hwyte whores stopped having them when hwyte cucks let them be childless career whores.
Same as Peloni Muh RW kween ran on anti migrant position in Italy. Then once elected also said Italy needs 1mil N’s and poos coz economic collapse
I just posted same shit in Japan and Korea.
And faggot kike like you Pops up sperging unrelated kikery about loving nogs and pajeets and tfm
Wash ur ass before Schvitz Moshe

@Deuces @Terry Why would anyone want to restore the birthrates of a sick society that hates freedom and remove the rights of women who are the only ones ensuring that the collectivist men don't breed and are instead replaced by high-T foreigners?

Do we want more worker drones? More "just following orders" Joes?
No thanks. I want depopulation, hopefully without war, so I'm all for feminism and women's rights. Best thing that could happen to evil countries like the US, the UK and even Russia.

@Based_Accelerationist @Terry
This is a kike reply
>Hurr sick society, worker drones, Muh overpopulation, Muh climate
As hwyte pipo are the only ones dying the fuck out. In NA, in EU. While shits are breeding like kikes. This kike will throw a dozen buzzwords to shit in the milk bowl

@Deuces @Terry Compliant worker drones having more kids isn't the solution, it's the problem. The climate is fine, no idea why you brought that up other than as a straw man fallacy.

But we DO have an overpopulation problem. Sure I'd love if they controlled the population in non-white countries as well, but that is besides the point.

Do you want the Chinese to have more kids? I doubt it. Being white instead of Asian, doesn't make westerners any less collectivist or dangerous to my freedom.

@Deuces @Terry The problem is as much created by welfare as it is feminism. A country can withstand a contracting population just fine, and its economy won't collapse, if it doesn't have shitloads of welfare.

@Engineer @Terry you’re getting warmer
There’s a great vid showing a timeline of western countries, Japan, w/i few years of giving holes rights, welfare state was created
Holes vote>demand gibs>politicians want to get elected cater to holes>more gibs get passed
As in today. Dems tryna bribe whores with free tampons, plan B, student debt forgiveness, abortions. Gop bribing holes with child care breaks, paid maternity leave, stopped Sel service bill
Btfo holes, make them breed

@Deuces @Terry Agree'd. Women vote for welfare, thus women should not be voting. The welfare is, fundamentally, the problem. The only way to prevent the problem is TWRA.

@AKEmon869 @Deuces @Terry The West is doomed because it takes pride in the very things that are destroying it.

Ask anyone what makes the west better than the rest of the world and I promise you that they'll cite how we treat women as our crowning achievement.

It's whatever. It's nothing 1000 years of suffering can't cure. The only cure for weakness is pain.

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