@Tfmonkey with regards to the jews and your perfect utopia constitution it will not be enough to bar them from holding office you have to also bar them from working in the news, social media, schools, education, law enforcement, justice system, banking, finance, medicine, if you fail to do this then the jews will inevitably subvert your new system. You must not allow them to form their own communities within your country or practice any form of kabbalah religious study or practices.


@37712 @Tfmonkey Isn't forbidding people from forming their own communities impossible by definition for a society because to have a society you must have a community?

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@DoubleD @Tfmonkey they forbid different communities like muslims for example to form their own communities in Singapore, they dont want ppl forming gettos or creating their own community aside from the rest of the country, so they dont let for example all the muslims to live in the same area

@37712 Singapore is a city-state. There isn't ROOM for everyone to have communities and mind their own business because they MUST live on top of each other.

There is enough room in the US (for example) for Indian reservations.

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