@MrpoopyButhole I've been warned about you. You are always wrong. Thus this is fake news and wrong.

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole

"Top experience" - Janet from HR

"We had such fun, totally recommend" - Pete from Accounts

@UncleIroh @MrpoopyButhole
"Top experience" - Abdul Lahim Muhammad

"We had such fun, totally recommend" - Sheikh Allahim Mahammud Abdullah Hussein Mustafa Alsaid Muhammad

@ButtWorldsMan @UncleIroh @MrpoopyButhole This reminds me, @ButtWorldsMan, I think we need some wholesome "absolutely halal" memes. Are you up to the task?


@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole Don't look now, Jesus, but they gave you long hair and corrupted your message. You also might not want to visit any Protestant... or Roman Catholic church...

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@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole Indeed. I think Nietzsche might have been on to something with his comments about the early church corrupting Jesus's message. I'm not sure though. Thoughts anyone?

@DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole

The mad, syphilitic German was an enormous loser simp in his personal life.

It was that bitch Eve followed by Adam's simping.

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