I wish I could join a modern monk's order where you could still fuck bitches. and have wifi

@basedbagel I'd like an amish community that is actually industrialized. Doesn't even need full on internet. Just some modern amenities and indistrialized work all in a patriarchial community.

@FinalDresdonation @basedbagel That's the Mennonites. They still have internet, but are really restrictive with it, and they still have 3-4 kids per family at least.

@DoubleD @basedbagel I have heard very mixed things on them. Though I should look into them more.

@FinalDresdonation @basedbagel Yes, depending on how strict they are, your results may vary; so, go visit and say hello to the males. If you show willingness to learn and appreciate their brand of Christianity, they're very friendly.

Don't try to talk to the females at all. You'll know you're in a good one if they make the sexes sit on different sides of the church pews, the females don't say a word in church, and there are at least 3 children next to one parent.

@DoubleD @basedbagel Sounds like a fair idea. It may be worth being involved in a church again if I can settle permanently.


@FinalDresdonation @basedbagel Just be sure to check their ethics because some are total pacifists even against robbers or home invaders, and many are against sports. All of those I've met are against alcohol. Asking them what they believe in good faith (no pun intended) will be best.

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@DoubleD @basedbagel I remember reading a wee bit into them a few years ago. It seems regionally and sect dependent as for some reasons stated by you. Also the urban ones I had seen a bit on seemed totally gone, but that's most churches anyhow outside of maybe a few catholic ones.

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