Hope the rest of you fellow americans here are paying attention to this.

Things might get spicy this weekend.

This one rando nigger on xwitter is representative of what is normal discourse among leftists with an audience. The overton window is now at the point where defending the government flooding the nations with illegals is perfectly normal, and defying this "policy" is seen as criminal and insurrectionist.

All it does is make me feel more justified seeing leftists as worthless subhuman scum.

And it's still only January!

Something interesting happened. About 10 FBI glowies put their names on a letter talking about the significant national security risk posed by an influx of military aged men who aren't south american (some of whom are on a terror watchlist). They claim some are chinese & russian agents here to attack infrastructure. They reference the october 7 attack twice. They're advocating for border security, as opposed to what Biden is doing. Actual fedboys said this openly. What do you think @Tfmonkey?


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey If nothing happens to those FBI agents, this was bait to flush out whoever else would side with them. That is my best guess.

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@DoubleD @Tfmonkey Pretty interesting "bait" if it's optically very bad for the Biden admin and helps Trump and republicans.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey As long as the deep state remains intact, they can destroy any opponent by waiting them out. Cut off one head, but leave the body of the hydra and you waste your strength. I will grant you, it is an interesting letter. I suppose we shall see.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey the feds are supposed to do something by end of day, so we shall see... tomorrow.

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