
@Stahesh @sardonicsmile My heart goes out in compassion to all the males out there who can see the truth in front of them but are powerless. All I can say is make yourselves virtuous in the sense of increase your virtues: strength, passion, wisdom, patience, fortitude, constitution, etc. so when your time does come, you will have the greatest capability to affect change.

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@DoubleD @Stahesh Nature's preseletion and genetic markers for procreation are fixed and immutable.
The *Primary* rule women have, in relationship to men, is to *Make men self-conscious* and men do not precisely like that.
Remember: There is *NOTHING* that will make a man more self-conscious than to be "Rejected".
Because, why is he "Rejected"? Because, Mother Nature, in the eyes of that particular woman, is saying, "I do NOT think your genetic material should propagate; especially with me."

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh I'll have to give this more thought, but I'm not convinced that rejection by a female is what makes a male most self-conscious. My first impression is that being beaten by another male would be more or at least equally impactful, even by the same logic. A male driving another male off has direct consequences beyond a female just making noises and weakly fighting back.

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