- "The Jews are bad.

also TFM:
- "But not the ones in the funny hats. Those are ok."


@Justicar I think the issue is with the nuance contained within the generalization of the category "Jews".

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@DoubleD @Justicar The issue is TFM likes to make assertions about topics he doesn't fully understand.

Zionism is deeply entrenched in Judaism. It's one thing to say "not all Jews", it's another to claim Orthodox Jews aren't zionists, when his freaking co-host is both.

Just because they live in their little communities and sometimes protest a few things, it doesn't mean they don't largely believe the same things, it doesn't mean they don't want to take over and aid the other Jews.

@Based_Accelerationist @Justicar Such issues are why I try to avoid generalizations, but it makes pithy statements more difficult to construct.

@DoubleD @Based_Accelerationist @Justicar

AJALT all jews are like that.

Because they are of one bloodline like big fucking family.

Some individual exceptions can be made but as whole they are the same.

@Based_Accelerationist @DoubleD @Justicar The long and short is Orthodox jews are crying that Isntrael isn't a theocracy, That's all it is, they're RW jews and still very insular and ethnocentric, Chabad are Orthodox and they're still speaking into politicians ears and building tunnels under children's museums, BroNats talked about them a bit too being he was born one, and they've also got undue influence, and the big thing to remember about jews, is that they're all jews and will rally around that, regardless of internal disagreements IE Ben Shapiro repoasting Netnyohoo after the HAMAS trolling escapade
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