@Tfmonkey listening to your sat stream I believe there might be an issue with your net tax payer voting system where rich people who are funding the gov could manipulate how the gov to change how net tax payer is calculated to exclude people from the voting base even thought they might be net tax payers.



they could also use the gov to enrich themselves and give their companies unfair advantages to make enough money to be net tax payers while forcing everyone else into welfare to take away heir net tax payer status and voting rights

personally make laws to force everyone in to some form of welfare, then I would change the tax code to over estimate how much welfare they are getting so they are not considered net tax payers, maybe make it so that they are 10% below their necessary net tax payer threshold. I would change tax laws to get tax breaks but I would donate/pay some extra money to keep my net tax payer voting rights, effectively making the voting system pay to vote type of system

@37712 The solution is simple. It is not illegal to assault, torture, or kill public employee's or their family members, including politicians and their children and family. Then no politician will ever do anything corrupt lest they be murdered.

@Engineer dumb, what makes you think it would not be illegal to kill or assault politicians 😂 when has that not been the case


@37712 First time for everything.

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