More Adeptus Mechanicus C-3L3571NA. I like how the fact that she's Adeptus Mechanicus makes the messed up fingers and limbs actually "work".

@Tfmonkey Remember when Slaanesh having infinite genders and no gender at the same time was considered ridiculously over the top because Warhammer 40k? Well, Slaanesh is winning. In the far flung future, people will just be able to clone a female body of themselves and do a brain transplant to become a woman. But thats centuries away.


Parts of the brain are connected to specific nerves that are connected to specific sex organs

The wiring connecting the correct part of the brain to the correct nerve to the correct part of the correct sex organ will not line up correctly

Actually you would not know how to signal any body part correctly because what you think signals one thing would signal another

This could result in death

This would be a problem with all brain transplants not just gender swap ones


@shortstories I know, its very difficult. A head transplant would be easier but still way more difficult. Each nerve would have to be individually connected to the correct corresponding nerve. Virtually impossible.

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