@YoMomz Obviously the tools of righteous purging must be reserved until the suspect is a confirmed pedophile. But once confirmed, no hatred is to be reserved, for them they get it all.
@greentext Fired? He should have been executed.
@Xenophon Humans are a genetically engineered species. We know this to be true because of the fused 2nd and 3rd chromosome.
@casuist Too much sand nigger religion for my tastes. The enemies of man today do not deserve the forgiveness of Jesus. They deserve the total annihilation as espoused by the Old Olympians of Greece. Do not love thy enemies, revel in their bloodshed, and glory be to those who sack their cities. What is greatest in life? It is to see thy enemies driven asunder, hear the cries of their children, and the lamentations of their women.
@Loki Pedophile scum. DIE!
@ButtWorldsMan I did block them, now lets go forth and bully them until they kill themselves!
Pedophilia is real, and its here. It is why I believe in violence and torture. Pedophiles are not human, they are chaos demons and we must purge them from reality. Death for them can not come soon enough. No amount of hatred is to be reserved when smiting pedophile filth. I will engineer, forge, and wrought new, terrible weapons for the express purpose of exterminating pedophiles. We will crush the skulls of pedophiles with more vigor and loathesome hatred than a space marine slaughtering xenos!
@cinnamonbread Kill yourself you disgusting pedophile. Your kind is why I believe in violence. Your kind is why I believe in torture. Pedophiles are not human, they are chaos demons and we must purge them from reality. Death for you can not come soon enough. No amount of hatred is to be reserved when smiting pedophile filth.
@PraxisOfEvil I doubt it. Stop playing triple A games, they arent even good anymore. Just roll with the classics.
@Xenophon Communists hate competition, its why they hate the free market. Christianity is merely competition in another form, not as a mechanism through which competition can occur as is the free market. No, Christianity is a competitor itself to communism. They both seek strength by comforting the masses of losers with copes and lies. Here's the truth, if there is a God, he hates the poor, weak, stupid, and docile. If he loved them, they would be rich, strong, burgeoning with genius and life.
@45b35521c312a5da4c2558703ad4be3d2e6d08c812551514c7a1eb7ab5fa0f04 You don't need laser eyes, all you need is a functioning brain.
@Mykse Fucking loli pedo trash.
@NathanielHigger1488 WTF are you even talking about?
@PhilSchedia Get this loli pedophile shit out of here.
Machinist and entrepreneur.