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@RIDDLES Except that male reindeer that are used to pull sleds are castrated, and castrated males also do not shed their antlers.

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Engineer boosted

@Tfmonkey We are taking womens rights away, for the common good!

@Tfmonkey Weakness is a choice. It is the ultimate sin. Every day we must choose to embrace either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The judgement of iron is inevitable. Hell is who are became meeting who you could have been.

@LittleTom Since when did resetera ever have a single well adjusted person?

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu So long as the lender is also immortal, the bums will never be able to escape!

@RustyCrab For one, he has yellow hands. Secondly, no simpsons characters are white. They are all yellow. Yellow isn't a real race. So its impossible for the simpsons to be racist.

I now want to assist in making immortality real so that nobody can get out of paying their debt.

@Cornelius Yes, except for moonman and mr. bond. They get a pass. Everything else can fuck off.

@Hoss So is based and cringe no longer the hip in thing anymore?

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Engineer boosted
If you're not at least as based as this, know that a jew is beating you in the Based Department. :pepe_based: #Chess

@Polfusilier A 2 year enlistment option? Thats fucking crazy! It used to be a minimum of four years!

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